Botanical Name
Calendula officinalis
Usual Origin(s)
Also known as pot marigolds. Product consists of whole and broken flowers, which are not ideal for fine crafting purposes (e.g. jar potpourris). Calendula is often used in lotions and oils to keep the skin smooth and soft, and in teas and tinctures for relief from skin inflammation and irritation. More scientific evidence is needed to rate the effectiveness of calendula for these uses.
Folk Names
Common Marigold, Garden Marigold, Gold bloom, Holligold, Marigold, Mary Bud, Pot Marigold, Ruddles
Abundance, Prosperity, Money
Magical Uses
Calendula offers us an opportunity to move that which has stagnated in our lives. It helps us warm and dry the emotional-energetic pools we’ve ignored or not quite noticed. Calendula magic offers us an opportunity to reclaim our boundaries and to make full use of the energy we already possess. Calendula magic is the magic of recognizing and using our wealth. Calendula’s flowers follow the sun, gathering in those gentle, fiery, nourishing energies. Its magic is warming, coaxing us into a brighter disposition and offering us a glimpse into the sunny possibilities even when we’re feeling mired in the dark of winter. It prompts us to seek similar energies in our lives and to use them to bring ourselves and our work into blossom. Calendula magic is the magic of nurturing potential.
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