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Botanical Name

Foeniculum vulgare


Usual Origin(s)




Fennel has a flavor similar to anise and star anise, though usually not as strong. One of the primary ingredients in absinthe. Commonly used in Indian and vegetarian cuisine, and as a mouth freshener.


Folk Names

Samar, Sweet Fennel, Sheeh












Prometheus, Dionysus



Protection, Healing, and Purification


Ritual Uses

The thyrsus, which figured in Dionysian ceremonies, was often made of giant fennel stalks with pine cones attached to the ends. 


Magical Uses

Grown around the home, fennel confers protection. Wearing a piece of fennel in the left shoe will prevent wood ticks from biting your legs. Fennel is also hung up at windows and doors to ward off evil spirits, and the seeds can be carried for the same reason. Fennel is used in purification sashets, as well as in healing mixtures


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Fennel Seed

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