Botanical Name
Salvia apiana
Usual Origin(s)
Wildcrafted sprigs of white sage on stem; not bundled into wands or sticks. White sage is used like incense - its leaves are burned and will produce a fragrant smoke. White sage is also considered ideal as a ceremonial smudge or for home purification. Leaves may occassionally be spotted with brown after periods of heavy rain. Note that this does not affect its use, just its appearance. This item is too brittle for herb crafting.
Folk Names
Garden Sage, Red Sage, Sawge
Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Magical Uses
Sage is carried to promote wisdom, and the leaves are used in countless healing, and money spells. To guard yourself against the dreaded evil eye wear a small horn willed with sage. There are a few curious gardening tips concerning sage: first, it is bad luck to plant sage in your own garden; a stranger should be found to do the work. Second, a full bed of sage brings ill luck, so ensure that some other plant shares the plot. Incidentally toads love sage.
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