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Botanical Name

Papaver somniferum


Usual Origin(s)

Australia, Czech Republic, The Netherlands



Blue poppy seeds, which are widely used in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe. A common ingredient in cakes, desert fillings, bread toppings, cookies, bagels, and tarts.


Poppy Seeds


Folk Names

Blind Buff, Blindeyes, Headaches, Head Waak












Hypnos, Demeter 



Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility


Magical Uses

Poppy seeds and flowers are used in mixtures designed to aid sleep. They are also eaten or carried to promote fertility and to attract luck and money. At one time poppy seed heads were gilded and worn as talismans to draw wealth. The seeds are also added to food to induce love, or are used in love sachets. If you wish to know the answer to a question, write it in blue ink on a piece of white paper. Place this inside a poppy seed pod and put this beneath your pillow. The answer will appear in a dream. Soak poppy seeds in wine each day for fifteen days. Then drink the wine wach day for five days while fasting. According to tradition you will be able to make yourself invisible at will. 


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Poppy Seeds

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